Starry Wisdom

Entropic Words from Neilathotep

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday Wrap-up

I watched the end of the Oscars. It was… well the show itself was cruddy, but hey, at least one of the only movies I saw in the theaters last year won best picture. Also, Trent Reznor won an Oscar.

Today’s main activity was going to Davis to attend Mackenzie’s nephew Orrin’s First Birthday party. It was a low-key affair, just the family, but it was fun. Orrin had a great time eating/wearing cupcakes. He also had fun playing with the balloons and such. And the drive back was surprisingly fast, for a weekend when I’m sure a lot of people were in Tahoe. Maybe the snow delayed people enough to make it easier?

posted by neil at 9:56 pm
under rambling  

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