Starry Wisdom

Entropic Words from Neilathotep

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Challenge to Myself

Ok, I’ve been pretty lax at posting lately – one post or so a month? So I’ve decided to pick it up in February! In the spirit of Thing-a-day, I am going to try to do a post-a-day in February. Now, I am certain that some, or most of them, will be as lame as this post, but still, I will write something every day (or at least back date posts for each day :p).

Right now, all I have to say is that I woke up at 4:45 AM to fly down to Burbank for the day. I got to leave early at least.

Topics to discuss this month may include:

1) Cooking
2) Coffee (in particular Chemex)
3) Windows (not Microsoft Windows)
4) TBD – what else should I talk about here?

posted by neil at 10:23 pm
under Uncategorized  

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Well, 2010 was another crappy year in reading for me. I finished a mere 20 books, a full 3 fewer than 2009. It was such a sad year that I have resolved to read more in 2011. Anyway, as per normal, here is a discussion of the books read in 2010. I am not going to bother putting in the list of books, unless it is demanded.

The best Ursula K LeGuin books I read in 2010 was A Wizard of Earthsea narrowly edging out City of Illusions. Yes the fantasy beat out the SF.

The overall best novel I read in 2010 was probably The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers. This is a must read for fans of time travel stories!

The most nonsensical book I read in 2010 was The Silmarillion “by” J.R.R. Tolkein. It’s really a collection of notes edited posthumously by his son Christopher, and is a difficult read. Interesting for people who enjoy LOTR, but a big undertaking.

The best collection of essays was David Foster Wallace’s Consider the Lobster. In fact I should read more of his essays post haste. Honorable mention goes to Medium Raw by Anthony Bourdain, however.

Looking back at the books I read in 2010, Consider the Lobster was probably my favorite overall, although I enjoyed most of them quite a bit.

posted by neil at 5:51 pm
under books  

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