Things I hate today
1) Cities that think they are too good for sidewalks.
2) Drivers who stop at a stop sign and then don’t believe they should wait for pedestrians in a crosswalk.
3) Mistakingly swapping my camera from M o Av mode.
Entropic Words from Neilathotep
1) Cities that think they are too good for sidewalks.
2) Drivers who stop at a stop sign and then don’t believe they should wait for pedestrians in a crosswalk.
3) Mistakingly swapping my camera from M o Av mode.
It takes balls to vote no on something like the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act.
Therefore, the Hon Flake, Paul and Royce, I salute you.
I drove around the frontage road between 101 and the bay this morning and took some pics. In particular I found a really good place to take pictures of airplanes landing at SFO. Especially if I had brought my tripod with me. Anyway, if you care to look, they’re here
Children of Men is a great movie. But watching it is also sort of like getting hit upside the head by a sock filled with BBs.
Here is what the bill for my surgery describes it as:
Intracranial Av Malformation Surg Supratent Simple
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